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The Last Drop

Last December, I wrote “When Coffee is Life” to explain why I am obsessed with my favorite drink. And in 2019, I’ve noticed the caffeine conversation growing on a national scale. Almost everywhere I’d turn, *coffee.* Someone left a Starbucks cup on the set of Game of Thrones? Wild. Luckin, the Starbucks of China, went[…]

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How to Survive the Holiday Spending Season

The holidays can be a wonderful joyous time or a very stressful time. For many the stress of the holidays comes from shopping for gifts for loved ones.  According to a GoBankingRates survey, about 57% of people plan to spending one full paycheck on the holidays. That’s an average of $1,908 for someone paid every[…]

Getting your financial life in order takes hard work, but there are some simple tips to make the journey easier.

Personal Finance “Hacks”

How many times have you clicked on that article online that started with “Top 5 Ways..” or “Quick tips to..”? Probably a lot.  We work hard on many things in our lives, but sometimes we all want a shortcut.  Just like there is no miracle juice drink or 5 minute workout that will get you[…]