If you need last minute cash, don't tap your 401(k). Have a cash reserve and plan ahead.

Need Cash? Don’t Tap That 401(k)!

Let me share a story with you.  Tom and Jane are a Millennial couple who just got married and are looking buy their first house.  The have saved up some money but have student loan debt.  Unfortunately, Tom just lost his job leaving them with only Jane’s income to pay the bills and the loans. […]

Quoted in CNBC.com – How to prioritize retirement savings? Try these 3 steps

The press train keep moving along with a great feature on CNBC.com. This week I chime in on retirement savings. I always hear the debate about which form of retirement savings is best. Is it Traditional or Roth? Now, before anyone gets strong feelings about either one (that’s right calm down people) let’s recognize that[…]