Millennials aren't investing because they lack the knowledge and funds and are afraid.

Why Aren’t Millennials Investing?

In the past year, I have seen a number of troubling statistics about Millennials not investing in the stock market.  One study said 60% of Millennials aren’t investing and another said 80%.  No matter which number, that percentage is too high.  That is an incredibly large portion of the population that is not participating in[…]

Are target-date funds the right investment for your retirement? It depends on your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance.

Are Target-Date Funds Right for You?

Target-date funds is a phrase you may come across when looking at investment options in a 401(k), 403(b) or other type of defined contribution retirement plan. The media loves to talk about them as well. In fact, according to Morningstar, there is over $750 billion invested in target-date funds. But do you know what a[…]

Advisors embrace elimination of Obamacare taxes question GOP replacement plan

Best Investment Advice: Don’t Panic!

Remember the stock market crash of 2008? My bad for bringing up ugly memories, but, hey, it hit us all pretty hard. For many, the first thought was “Sell! Sell! Sell!” however if you had a good (and sane) financial advisor they probably told you this: Don’t panic! Our financial climate is constantly changing, and[…]