student loans debt icon

6 Steps for Paying Off Student Loans

Today, the average college graduate leaves school with more than $36,000 in loans and many Millennials are being held back from achieving their goals because of debt from their college education. And don’t think our goals are just buying avocado toast or tickets to Coachella. No. We have real goals. Big goals like starting a[…]

Mastering cash flow is no easy task, but if you put in the work, the outcome will be worth it.

Back to Basics Part 1: Mastering Cash Flow

In the next two blog posts, I want to go back to the basics of financial planning because even the most seasoned pros need a refresher every now and then.  Let’s start with mastering cash flow.  Despite being a generation that goes out more often and makes more purchases, Millennials are still spending less on[…]

Millennials are saving more for retirement, however there is room for improvement.

Good News, Bad News: Retirement Savings Edition

Good News Millennials, I have good news for you! Studies are showing that we are better at tracking expenses and sticking to a budget than Baby Boomers. This is what I like to hear. More of you are saving for your future which I think can be attributed to an improving job environment and strong entrepreneurial[…]

Millennials aren't investing because they lack the knowledge and funds and are afraid.

Why Aren’t Millennials Investing?

In the past year, I have seen a number of troubling statistics about Millennials not investing in the stock market.  One study said 60% of Millennials aren’t investing and another said 80%.  No matter which number, that percentage is too high.  That is an incredibly large portion of the population that is not participating in[…]

Getting your financial life in order takes hard work, but there are some simple tips to make the journey easier.

Personal Finance “Hacks”

How many times have you clicked on that article online that started with “Top 5 Ways..” or “Quick tips to..”? Probably a lot.  We work hard on many things in our lives, but sometimes we all want a shortcut.  Just like there is no miracle juice drink or 5 minute workout that will get you[…]

Millennials, you are not invincible. Consider your need for life insurance.

Why Do Millennials Need Life Insurance?

Many Millennials are delaying traditional life milestones that 20- and 30-somethings in the past would have already achieved such as getting married, buying a house or starting a family. We have a lot on our plates trying to achieve our goals of paying off student loans, saving for retirement or starting a business.  Believe me,[…]