Millennials and babies go together like peanut butter and jelly. Get ready for the best part of your life.

Financial Tips For New Millennial Parents

I hear someone is expecting a baby! That’s just the best news, isn’t it? There’s nothing quite like being a parent and all the fear, stress, joy and excitement it brings. Believe it or not, I’m not just NYC’s Financial Advisor for Millennials, I’m a parent, too. If you’ve got multiple kids, you’re likely already[…]

Millennials should have the financial conversation before getting married. Learn how to communicate with your partner about money.

Millennial Financial Conversations to Have Before Marriage

Remember that teasing tune we all used to sing on the playground: “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes crippling debt!” Is that not how it goes? Maybe I learned the alternate version of the song. I think what was missing between the marriage and the crippling debt parts was a financial conversation between[…]