Bouffant Icon

Short-term Risks

For most of 2018, I felt like we were finally getting out of The Great Recession’s lingering haze. For older members of my generation, it has been a solid seven year run of favorable enough conditions to grab onto something we can call our own. Whether that’s a steady job with benefits or a now[…]

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Are We Jerks?

They say socially responsible investing (SRI) and Millennials go together like participation and trophies. According to a 2018 Harvard Kennedy School study titled “Money, Millennials and Human Rights”, SRI is getting a boost from Gen Y’s demand to establish a greater link between their money and their values.  This increased demand, coupled with an alleged[…]

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Why Worry About the Market When You Can Worry About Everything Else?

Last week was a tough one for the markets, but any financial planner worth their fee knows that pull-backs, corrections and recessions are all part of the long game. However, even we planners are not completely absolved of the emotional impact market volatility can cause (we feel it too), but good planners are well disciplined[…]

investment plant icon

How to Get Started Investing in Stocks & Bonds

If you’ve proven that you have earned the right to invest by identifying, quantifying and prioritizing your goals, mastering cash flow and establishing a cash reserve then we can talk investments. If you haven’t then check out our Get #FinLit page. Have you taken care of those things? Good, now we can talk investing. When[…]

Millennials aren't investing because they lack the knowledge and funds and are afraid.

Why Aren’t Millennials Investing?

In the past year, I have seen a number of troubling statistics about Millennials not investing in the stock market.  One study said 60% of Millennials aren’t investing and another said 80%.  No matter which number, that percentage is too high.  That is an incredibly large portion of the population that is not participating in[…]