Douglas A. Boneparth
New York City’s Financial Advisor for Millennials
Featured Speaker At

Money Talks
Douglas makes money funny.
Really, he does. Your small or large group can actually enjoy an unintimidating, approachable discussion about personal finance.
Douglas will set the table with a discussion around the current economic landscape and its associated challenges facing younger generations in the workforce. Then, with candid advice and humor, Douglas delivers the essentials for participants to take control over their financial lives and increase the odds of achieving their goals.
Participants will be surprised to learn that most of what they need to know has nothing to do with investments, and that they don't need to be a numbers wiz to lay the groundwork for a healthy financial life.
You will learn
- Objective, actionable, and practical financial advice that can be implemented immediately.
- How to identify, quantify and prioritize multiple financial goals.
- Systems to master budgeting and build discipline around cash flow.
- When to start investing for your financial future.
- What financial independence really means and how to achieve it.
These talks are great for
- Building a solid financial foundation for a lifetime.
- Utilizing tried and true processes for taking control of your financial life.
- Encouraging personal and professional achievement.
- Optimizing your organization's productivity and work ethic.
Timing and Logistics
- 60 minutes (45-minute presentation followed by 15-minutes of Q&A).
- Please provide projector and screen.
Next Generation Practices
Remember the expression, "It takes one to know one"? That's exactly how Douglas feels when commenting on Millennials in the personal finance space. People like to talk about us: our needs, desires, motivations, and goals. But very few talkers are Millennials themselves.
Douglas is one of few financial advisors with the street cred to advise his industry on what motivates Millennial clients and employees. If your firm is looking to either market to Millennials, or hire, train and retain the next generation of financial advisors, then you will want to hear what Douglas has to say about how he built his practice for Millennials before anyone else was paying attention.
Here's how Douglas can help your financial organization
Market Like It's 2023(ish)
- Explore the ins and outs of online marketing, sales funnels, social media and SEO optimization for financial firms.
- Become the authority, expert and influencer in your local market and start gaining national media attention.
- Learn how and when to create a brand within your existing brand to maximize both legacy business and generate future business.
- Identify holes and opportunities in your existing branding and marketing plans.
Hire, Train and Retain Fresh Talent
- Discover effective recruitment strategies to increase the probability of finding the right advisor.
- Have Douglas energize, guide and support next generation financial advisors within your firm.
- Learn what young FAs really want from their employers and how to effectively deliver on it.
- Improve effective communication and align expectations between staff, associate advisors and senior advisors.
- Define your firm’s pathway to partnership as well as identify viable succession plans and equity arrangements.