Millennials money hand icon

Dow Down 800+ Twitter Recap

Dom made the call at 10:04am. Man…it’s gonna be one of those days… — Dominic Chu (@TheDomino) October 10, 2018   And now we’re all seeing red. The market today in one picture. 😳 — StockTwits (@StockTwits) October 10, 2018   I guess everyone’s a cynic. 831 points closer to the bottom. — Morgan Housel[…]

Millennials money hand icon

Organic vs. Inorganic Growth

To quote Thomas R. “Big Tom” Callahan, Jr., “You’re either growing, or you’re dying!”. When it comes to wealth management, you can grow your business in one of two ways. The first way is organically, through marketing efforts (including referrals), and the second way is inorganic growth, through acquisitions. Throughout my career, I’ve experienced enough[…]

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The Bane of Wall Street

So, what’s your favorite story from the recession? Mine is when former Lehman Bros. CEO, Dick Fuld, got punched in the face at the gym. I still can’t believe someone did what everyone on Main Street was thinking. Did it put dollars back in the pockets of those who lost it all, or prevent the[…]

saving 1 million dollars

Why You Don’t Need to Save 1 Million Dollars in 5 Years

According to my SEO professionals, there are a lot of Google searches out there on how to save a million dollars. Many of these searches will have you stumble across financial blogs where so called “financial experts” pawn off sensational stories of uncomfortable austerity and radical savings schemes (or as they think of it, practical[…]

financial independence icon

Vacations Are For The Weak

Growing up, many of my summer vacations revolved around my father qualifying for his company’s national conference. By meeting certain production requirements, we would get to travel to a big city and then hop in a minivan to explore whatever part of the country we were in at the time. Thanks to AAA and their TripTik, my dad[…]

student loans debt icon

Welcome to Default City

On Monday, there was this crazy article written by CNBC’s Annie Nova suggesting that more that 1 million people default on their student debt each year and, that 40% of borrowers are expected to default on their student loans by 2023! The article was based primarily on two different research papers. The more recent paper, titled[…]