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Doug Wins a Trip to E3

In the spring of 1998, during peak puberty, I won an all-expenses paid trip to the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Atlanta, GA. I was so excited that it made Charlee Buckett’s “golden ticket” moment in Willy Wonka seem as basic as winning a small fry on the McDonald’s peel-off Monopoly game. After my parents’[…]

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3 Ways Peppa Pig Teaches You the Value of a Dollar (or Pound)

Most parents tune out the beautiful sounds of their toddler’s favorite cartoons. Not me! While others are escaping into their iPhones to check their social media feeds, I am joining my little girl on amazing animated adventures. I love cartoons. Always have and always will. The Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy and Rick and Morty barely[…]

Millennials and babies go together like peanut butter and jelly. Get ready for the best part of your life.

Financial Tips For New Millennial Parents

I hear someone is expecting a baby! That’s just the best news, isn’t it? There’s nothing quite like being a parent and all the fear, stress, joy and excitement it brings. Believe it or not, I’m not just NYC’s Financial Advisor for Millennials, I’m a parent, too. If you’ve got multiple kids, you’re likely already[…]

Millennials should have the financial conversation before getting married. Learn how to communicate with your partner about money.

Millennial Financial Conversations to Have Before Marriage

Remember that teasing tune we all used to sing on the playground: “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes crippling debt!” Is that not how it goes? Maybe I learned the alternate version of the song. I think what was missing between the marriage and the crippling debt parts was a financial conversation between[…]

Financially Empowering Millennials

Financially Empowering Millennials in the New Year

Before I talk about Financially Empowering Millennials, Happy New Year, everyone! 2016 was kind of a weird, right? We lost some great musical and acting talent. But, hey, at least 2016 didn’t claim Betty White! All jokes aside, this year, I want you to truly feel empowered about your finances. It’s not enough to want[…]

Millennials, Stay Clear of Financial Goal-Setting Mistakes in the New Year

You might remember my article on “Revisiting Tips for a Financially Empowered New Year,” where I told you I wasn’t the biggest fan of resolutions. Oh, yeah, and I let you call me a New Year’s party pooper? That’s still a true statement (not the party pooper part), but I’m never opposed to you[…]