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How to Survive the Holiday Spending Season

The holidays can be a wonderful joyous time or a very stressful time. For many the stress of the holidays comes from shopping for gifts for loved ones.  According to a GoBankingRates survey, about 57% of people plan to spending one full paycheck on the holidays. That’s an average of $1,908 for someone paid every[…]

laptop beach working

4 Tips for Turning Your Side Hustle Into Your Main Hustle

If you are looking to start your own business or are already working on turning the side hustle into the main hustle, then I want to share with you some advice.  I see many Millennials taking this path for a number of reasons.  Sometimes it’s to have a better work-life balance and sometimes it’s to[…]

millennial household invest chart

Wealthy Millennials vs. Average Millennials

I came across an interesting article on titled “Where the Wealthiest Millennials Stash Their Money” that compared the top 25% of Millennial households with Average Millennial households. It compared things like how each group invests money, how their financial assets are structured and how their debts are structured. And like any good Millennial, I wanted[…]


Where Are You Going to Live in Retirement?

A lot of this blog is focused on issues that Millennials themselves are facing, but this week I want to share some thoughts for my Boomers. (Millennials, this is a good post to send to your parents if they are nearing retirement). If you are already retired or nearing retirement, the choice of where to[…]