Special Trip to CNBC, Industry Changes and Guest Blog

What a special week. On Tuesday morning, I was scooped up in a large SUV to shoot millennial money segments at CNBC. While back stage I met Sue Herera (Nightly Business Report and Power Lunch) who gave me and my fellow panelist (Amanda Lott) some unsolicited parenting advice. She’s super nice and I was honored to[…]

Nightly Business Report (CNBC): Millennials & Money Series

Monday night’s Nightly Business Report, which airs across the nation, debuted the three part CNBC special titled Millennials & Money, which I filmed back in May with Sharon Epperson. I had a brief feature in Part 1: The Biggest Financial Barriers for Millennials,  but was back for Part 3: Student Debt Ripple Effect to discuss the outlook for the millennials. You can check out the[…]

Cited on MarketWatch: What NOT to do when closing on a home.

Just a few weeks after the Experian first-time homebuyer #CreditChat (by the way, be sure to check this out on Twitter every week @ 3pm) this great article via MarketWatch came out with a few mentions from me and other leading industry professionals. It’s amazing what most people don’t know about the homebuying, let alone the delicate process[…]

First-time Homebuyer #CreditChat w/ Experian

Yesterday was my first Twitter Chat and Google Hangout. Experian, the well known credit reporting agency, has invited be to be a guest of a number of their #CreditChat panels, which take place every Wednesday @ 3:00pm. You can learn more about these amazing opportunities for financial education here: www.experian.com/creditchat. The topic for yesterday’s chat was[…]

Older Millennials Are Millennials, Too

The Millennial Generation is diversely one. I was reading an article on POPSUGAR titled Why Early-’80s Babies Are Different Than Other Millennials. I found the article quite amusing and relatable, since I am on the older end of the Millennial spectrum. It examines the segment that is arguably wedged between Gen X and Millennial (the premature-Xer or[…]

Quoted in CNBC.com – Millennial IRA contributions are growing

It’s great to see that millennials are increasing their retirement savings. When CNBC asked me if I was shocked that the percentage of millennials making contributions to their IRA was 26% higher in the first quarter of 2015 than during the same period a year ago, how could I say I wasn’t? Even though I was[…]

Quoted in CNBC.com – How to prioritize retirement savings? Try these 3 steps

The press train keep moving along with a great feature on CNBC.com. This week I chime in on retirement savings. I always hear the debate about which form of retirement savings is best. Is it Traditional or Roth? Now, before anyone gets strong feelings about either one (that’s right calm down people) let’s recognize that[…]